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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Prevent Dehydration

No matter what time of year it is, we are always concerned about dehydration when working in the garden.  Children and adults need to be aware of how much water is leaving and entering their bodies.

Tips to Prevent Dehydration

  • Encourage adults and students to replace fluids at a rate that equals the loss of fluids.
  • Avoid exposure during high heat index days.
  • Work when temperatures are cooler in the day.
  • Wear light colored and loose fitting clothing.
  • Find shady areas to work in or rest in.
  • Take a lunch or snack break in an air conditioned room, even if it is for half an hour.

Make sure to prepare 5 gallon jugs of water, lemonade, and/or Gatorade filled before students and volunteers arrive in your school garden.  Encourage everyone to bring their own refillable bottles so that waste is reduced. Be prepared for those that don't bring their own bottles and bring twice as much as cups as needed.  Otherwise, ask volunteers or students to bring cases of water and Gatorade to share.  In hot weather, buy bags of ice to keep the drinks cold.
Stay in the shade.

Rotate teams to rest and stay hydrated in the shade.

Keep drinks in a shaded, central location for volunteers.

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