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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Repurposing Flagstone for a Charming Pathway

When we have a big project like the pumpkin patch redesign in the agricultural area, we end up with left over materials.  In this case, we had small pieces of flagstone and a ton of pea gravel. 

Along our fence line from our mountain riparian into our agricultural area was a dirt path that students took.  It was formed over time because students like to go around the hills.  Since we already had pea gravel and flagstone pathways in the agricultural area, we decided to add a narrow pathway connecting the two areas where there was a lot of foot traffic.

First, clear the pathway of all the weeds and put a ring of block around the trees.  The path does not have to be level because it has a slight grade to climb into the hill areas of the mountain riparian area. Next, place the small pieces of flagstone into a mosaic design.  Don't over think the mosaic.  Just start placing pieces down and it will all come together once you add the pea gravel. Once the mosaic is completely laid out, dump piles of pea gravel over the flagstone.  The pea gravel will fall into the open spaces.  Use your hands, which have gloves on, to smooth out the pea gravel and wipe off excess gravel off of the flagstone.  

That's how we made our charming pathway connecting the mountain riparian area and the agricultural area.

Put block around the trees.

Randomly place odd pieces of flagstone on the path.

Dump piles of pea gravel onto the flagstone.                              

Pea gravel will fall in between the flagstone
once you push the gravel with your hand.
  Don't be too concerned about a few pieces
of pea gravel on the flagstone.

Always start at one end of the path and
               work your way down.
Enjoy a stroll along the charming pathway joining
our mountain riparian and agricultural areas.

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